1- Ave verum corpus
2- Tao
3- Hinc oritur omnis
4- Wuthering hights
5- Exile
6- No more days (missing Track)
7- 1, 3,5,7 (missing Track)
8- Stalingard (missing Track)
9- I Love You, My Child
10- Desire
11- Epitaphium
12- Präludium
p.s. - Sory for the missing ones, Unhappily one day i delete that tracks, it was an accident.
Leiche Rustikal is Artur Zab from Poland, this great Project moves on the Dark Industrial,Old School Industrial, Ritual Drone, Experimental territory, well i can't define what is do , but ist Fantastic. His works are related to human being in relationship with his environment, with others, with the contrast between big cities and nature, with mythology and history, in opposition with the present… On his live shows and projections he saids “i am also trying de react to political events by using different sequences extracted from internet, so as to show how media are dishonest”.
Epitaph was the very first release of Leiche Rustikal, originally released on tape in 1993 and lim. 100 copies. This is a classic of european Dark-Industrial Music. Recent Also released on vinyl, in a lim. ed. of 111 copies.
Obrigado pela visita. Estou a ouvir este registo que não conhecia e acho bastante interessante. Obrigado. Se tiveres algum pedido para Muslimgauze não exites pois tenho vários registos.
Saudações e boa semana
Tudo bem Jorge, Vou colocar aqui mais três albuns deste projecto, vai aparecendo por cá para ires vendo as novidades :) eu tenho neste momento se nao me engano perto de 30 albuns de Muslimgauze, se pudesses me dizer quais os que tens ficava agradecido :)
DEAD !!!!
DEAD !!!!
For fuck sake what is that stupid blog?????
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