1. Der Walzer von Lotte (17:30)
2. Die letzten Momente von Werther (19:03)
3. Aschen eines zerstörten Traumes (14:51)
Neo-classical side project of N. Schner (Forest Poetry, Inmitten Des waldes).
Three long songs based by the last moments of the young and sentimental Werther of the classic "Die Leiden des jungen Werthers" (The sorrows of young Werther) of Goethe. Writing letters to his best friend and drinking wine, Werther is possessed by deep despair, with the impossibility to realize a dream. Here you will find a slow and tragic neoclassical piano music full of a negative sensibility, as a soundtrack to this tragedy which have inspired constantly youngs to kill himselves.
64 kbps
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